Picapix Competing with July
What is it about July? National Blueberry Month, National Anti-Boredom Month, National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, National Hot Dog Month, and National Ice Cream Month, just to name a few! An amazing list of July 2016 daily holidays, special and wacky days can be found here – JULY.
How will I ever find time to just relax and solve puzzles? Ours lives are already so busy, but I know it’s important to find ME time. And this is when I must put my feet up in that hammock and pull out what activity moves me, ie book, puzzle, catching a movie or lazing at the beach. Schedule in this ME time and reap the benefits of enjoying your own company. It helps you see the glass as half full and makes you a better decision maker. It helps you get a better night’s sleep, improves your focus by being mindful, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. It can help you achieve your goals and broaden your intellectual horizons. For more on this…
For those craving another challenging picapix puzzle, here is 9. Scotland for your ME time!
Diane Baher