January is Alzheimer Awareness Month

How to Improve your Brain Image:

There are no guarantees for the prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias, but research shows there are steps we can take towards a healthy brain.  Remember this word:  IMAGE!

I is for I love a challenge!  Challenge your brain with new activities, such as using your less dominant hand to do simple tasks.  Play brain games, such as Pic-a-Pix, or other puzzles, learn a new language or learn to play a musical instrument.

M is for Mind your stress levels.  We all know that stress isn’t good for the body, so try to make time for yourself.  Keep friends and family close for their support, and get plenty of rest.

A is for Activate your social life.  Stimulating for the brain, socializing is an important aspect of brain health.  What better excuse to get together with an old friend!

G is for Get your numbers.  This is about a healthy lifestyle for your body as well, visit your doctor and stay on top of those medical risk factors.  Keep yourself informed about health.

E is for Exercise.  As well as keeping your body healthy, exercise increases brain health by “feeding” it more blood and oxygen.  Sports helmets protect your head from brain injuries and risk of damage.  As well, a healthy brain can withstand illness better.

More about this Healthy Brain IMAGE can be found online at the Alzheimer Society of Calgary. 

Diane Baher, author of logic puzzle books.

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