Presently my website is under construction, in order to become more mobile-device-friendly. Please bear with me, these are simply growing pains in the race to keep pace with technology, and an attempt to keep up with the times. Now when you visit my site via your cell phone or tablet, you will be able to read it easier as it now has single-column format, which gives it a much simpler look. The most important change will be on the Free Puzzles page, where the 16 free puzzles are each now 2-page pdf’s. This will enable users of all devices to view and print out the unsolved puzzles on page 1, and view the solution on page 2. The majority of the new puzzles have never been published before.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns with regard to these recent changes. You may contact me at this link. I always love to hear your feedback.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter and the newest challenging puzzle, called Chook. Please extend my invitation to others who might like to learn picapix and/or to join our newsletter.
Diane Baher