Technical Difficulties

Time to Fix Things:

I must apologize for the technical difficulties you may have experienced when trying to connect via email or through my website during the past two weeks.  I always say the best time to fix something is as soon as you become aware that it needs fixing.  That being said, this morning I realized my last email was 2 weeks ago so I knew something was up.  So within 24 hours from now everything should be up and running.  Again I do apologize for this and it is definitely my loss and I surely do miss the communication that didn’t make it and was returned undeliverable. Diane Baher, author and puzzle creator


Feeling in Awe to Meet Premier Alison Redford

Claresholm Town & Country Trade Fair

What an admirable job the Chamber of Commerce in Claresholm, AB did in running this weekend’s events (Feb. 1&2).  I’ve been in numerous markets before, but this was my first real Trade Fair as a vendor.  I enjoy introducing my picapix puzzles and books to new audiences, and I even sold a few to a number of curious and happy puzzlers, but I came out of there feeling extra special.  You see, yesterday I was totally awed to meet in person a woman in politics, someone we all know as Premier Alison Redford.  I found her to be personably quiet but friendly, exuding underlying wisdom and confidence that she so obviously has.  I guess that’s why she is in her present leadership role.  But keeping politics aside, my experience was such a positive feeling, to connect with such an amazing person!  I think the word is “Honored”!

Besides all the excitement her visit brought, there were numerous other medias present at this Trade Fair, so keep your eyes open, you might spot me in the Claresholm Local Press; or maybe on a U-Tube video done by MDC Production; or find me on the brand new Chamber of Commerce website under member listings….  The list goes on, all the wonderful connections made during the 2-day event.  I actually felt like a celebrity when it was all over.  Many thanks again to the people of Claresholm, the Chamber, you have an amazing little town!  Where the Wheat Fields meet the Rangeland!  And where some were fortunate enough to discover this “pumped-up” brain activity I’m promoting. 

Diane Baher, Author/Creator of Picapix Puzzles