Pic-a-Pix Going World-Wide
Pic-a-pix puzzles originated in Japan back in 1987, that’s only 25 years ago. That’s pretty young for a puzzle if you think about it, but in that timeframe, it has been spreading throughout Europe and is now spreading throughout North America. I recently met a lovely young lady from Israel who was promoting body products containing minerals from the Dead Sea. She told me that she has been solving this kind of puzzle from a newspaper back home. It made me realize the extent of the popularity of this puzzle; and as long as you understand the concept of the grid and what you do with the number clues, it really is language-independent.
Transcending Boundaries
A pic-a-pix fan of mine has been blogging about myself and my book. She relates her experience with travel and how certain things abroad don’t necessarily have a language barrier. See her article called Transcending Boundaries . The major appeal of Japanese logic puzzles is attributed to their simple rules and the use of logic without special knowledge of words or math.
And of course the benefits of doing brain teasers are numerous: satisfaction with solving and completing something difficult, increased brain health (use or lose it), development of new logic skills, and last but not least, pure enjoyment.
To learn how to solve Pic-a-pix puzzles, visit my place.
Diane Baher